Eric Fichtl


Thank you for visiting. This website features my photography and writing. Learn a bit more about me.

<p>A pair of hikers heading toward the Sas de Pütia / Peitlerkofel peak, visible during a brief clearing in the mists and clouds that were whipping around up there. </p>

Here is a random sample of my photos. Visit my galleries for many more.

<p>A cosy interior but no one to enjoy it.</p>
<p>An elegant flat with improbably narrow top floors at the corner of Juncal and Montevideo. </p>
<p>Small details in woodlands near Buckow, Germany.</p>
<p>A hillside of trees coated in snow just after sunrise.</p>
<p>Palms reach for the little fluffy clouds above Singapore.</p>
<p>The buzz of Calle Florida, in central Buenos Aires, Argentina.</p>
<p>A characterful old house in the Hanseatic city of Stralsund.</p>
<p>The light from sunrise coating the coast of Suðuroy.</p>

A lot of what I write professionally carries no by-line. Here are some of the works I have put my name to.